Hops & malt

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335 years of experience for Eichbaum’s beer specialities

You wonder why the Eichbaum beer specialities are so delicious? Probably because all our beers contain more than 335 years of Palatine brewing traditions and experience. And probably also because our master brewers always win gold medals. We don’t try to do it the easy way when it comes to such proof of our products’ quality. We therefore do not choose special beers but for the DLG tests nominate our most popular ones from the latest production batches (DLG = Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft e. V.; German Agricultural Society).



Malzbier, or malt drink, has a characteristic caramel touch (which also gave Karamalz its name) and is made by using the best ingredients, the typical caramel malt and the right quantity of carbon dioxide.
This mixture of hops extract, barley malt and maltose energy makes for the perfect drink at the end of an exhausting day and provides pleasure to all the family.

Particularity: alcohol-free